Kernel Square-Loss Exemplar Machines for Image Retrieval.

  • REZENDE Rafael
  • ZEPEDA Joaquin
  • PONCE Jean
  • BACH Francis
  • PEREZ Patrick
Publication date
Publication type
Proceedings Article
Summary Zepeda and Pérez have recently demonstrated the promise of the exemplar SVM (ESVM) as a feature encoder for image retrieval. This paper extends this approach in several directions: We first show that replacing the hinge loss by the square loss in the ESVM cost function significantly reduces encoding time with negligible effect on accuracy. We call this model square-loss exemplar machine, or SLEM. We then introduce a kernelized SLEM which can be implemented efficiently through low-rank matrix decomposition , and displays improved performance. Both SLEM variants exploit the fact that the negative examples are fixed, so most of the SLEM computational complexity is relegated to an offline process independent of the positive examples. Our experiments establish the performance and computational advantages of our approach using a large array of base features and standard image retrieval datasets.
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