Towards a Circular Economy of Heavy-Duty & Off-Road Vehicles and Associated Key Components.

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Summary Academics-Industrial Sustainable Development Meeting - Edition 2016: ELV, what is the responsibilities of actors? This workshop is hopefully the beginning of a series of annual meetings between academics and industrial managers on the subject of sustainable development. Recycling end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) and the responsibilities of the actors involved will be the focus of our first workshop JUIN-DD’16. End-of-life vehicles are considered hazardous waste that should require special treatment in order to avoid environmental and social risks. The EU Directive on ELV, which was introduced on January 1, 2015, requires that the reuse and recycling be increased to a minimum of 85% by an average weight per vehicle and year. Yet, heavy-duty vehicles and non-road mobile machinery are not covered by such regulations. Meanwhile, automotive manufacturers have implemented various activities and processes to comply with this regulation including eco-design, recycling, remanufacturing, reconfiguring, disassembling, research and development, etc.
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