Hybrid top-down and bottom-up framework to measure products' circularity performance.

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Proceedings Article
Summary Industrial practitioners are increasingly willing to shift their products and businesses into more circular models. Circular economy paradigm requires optimization of system rather than components. Yet, existing methods and tools, intended to designers, engineers or managers, to assess and improve products' circularity potential are both lacking systemic vision and operational considerations. This research work contributes to fill this gap through the design of a holistic and integrated framework aiming at measuring, improving and monitoring product circularity performance. The developed framework is based on a hybrid top-down - objective-driven - and bottom-up - data-driven - approach including the four building blocks of the circular economy defined by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. First mature steps of the proposed framework are detailed and experienced on an industrial case study. Insights for an enhanced products' circularity performance measurement and improvement framework are also discussed and lead to further promising research perspectives.
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