Multidisciplinary Simulation Model Development: Early inconsistency detection during the design stage.

  • SIRIN Goknur
  • RETHO Fabien
  • YANNOU Bernard
  • CALLOT Martine
  • DESSANTE Philippe
  • LANDEL Eric
Publication date
Publication type
Journal Article
Summary Integration, Verification and Validation (IVV) practices in simulation-based design helps reduce inconsistencies in multidisciplinary systems, i.e. those combining multiple mechanics, structural, hydrodynamic or other complex components. In current multidisciplinary simulation model development processes, subsystem simulation models are usually Verified and Validated (V&V) at supplier level to assess whether a system meets its intended goals. in such scenarios, each system is verified and validated separately – mechanical, structural, hydrodynamic, etc. However, many problems may arise during the actual integration of these modular subsystem simulations at the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) level, which increases the risk of late inconsistencies such as interface mismatches or other interoperability-based problems. To address this problem, the present work aims to reduce late inconsistency detection through ensuring early stage collaborations between the different suppliers and the OEM by proposing a clear simulation model request. Our approach is illustrated with an industrial case study showing how a Model Request Package that contains the Model Identity Card (MIC) and Model of Intention (MoI) concepts, helps reduce the knowledge gap and inconsistencies between OEMs and model suppliers.
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