Consideration of cross-industry issues when introducing an innovation related to Industry 4.0: integration into an offer design process.

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Proceedings Article
Summary This research work proposes a methodological approach to characterize and anticipate the organizational disruptions induced by a major information system innovation. The context considered is that of B2B, consisting of a solution provider and a user-client of these solutions. It is therefore interested in products whose implementation leads jointly to a creation of value for the customer and a modification of the professional interrelations between the client company's businesses. Industry 4.0 is the context of experimentation for this paper. The challenge is to design products or services that take into account organizational changes in order to maximize their value and promote their adoption. The contributions of this research are positioned at two levels. On the one hand, a methodological approach is proposed. It allows for a better description of the opportunities for value creation induced by a better definition of the structures and expectations of the actors in the client organizations. On the other hand, a capitalization of the data collected from clients is proposed. The latter are based on a revisited use of the concepts of "customer concerns" and "personas". The contributions were elaborated from a case study: the upstream phase of a design process deployed in an industrial automation supplier.
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