Observe and represent uses.

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Book Chapter
Summary You have started to structure an innovation project from an initial idea. Knowing the users, or more broadly the beneficiaries of the product or service you want to develop, is absolutely essential. Yet few project leaders today really take the time to observe. This sheet will enable you to understand the importance of observation, but also of the representation of uses by defining a protocol in adequacy with your objectives. You will then be able to analyze the results and choose a suitable representation mode to formalize and capitalize on your experience, but above all to bring to light the problems and pains of the users and thus convince the decision-makers of the accuracy of your reasoning. Observation and representation of uses is the third deliverable of the Radical Innovation Design® (RID) methodology, described in detail through various practical sheets. After structuring the project and defining the ideal need, this deliverable allows to really get into the uses, problems and pains of the users or beneficiaries, linked to the existing products and practices. It allows to initiate a thorough analysis of the uses and problems in order to uncover pockets of value, significant combination of a problem and a use not or poorly covered by existing solutions.
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