Starting an innovation project - The investigation logbook.

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Book Chapter
Summary You want to initiate an innovation project. You have an initial idea. However, it is necessary to be structured and to increase your skills and knowledge (we are talking about investigation here), i.e. to take the time to pose the problem rather than to rush headlong into the development of an imperfect solution. This sheet will help you initiate an innovation project in an organized way, by planning the investigation tasks that will allow the project team to increase its skills and knowledge through "knowledge books". The investigation logbook aims at creating a common framework for the project team members to distribute work packages and responsibilities on key themes identified in a collegial way. The investigation logbook is the first deliverable of the Radical Innovation Design® (RID) methodology, described in detail in various practical sheets. It really allows to launch a RID innovation project. It is strongly linked to the second deliverable of the methodology (cf. Énoncé un besoin idéal - Ref. Internet : 0424 and RID : Observation des usages - Ref. Internet : 1448), the re-problematization (the two deliverables are self-sustaining), and allows directly to initiate the third deliverable, the observation of the uses.
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