Tunisia, Hope, instructions for a recovery.

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Summary At first glance the picture is dark. The Tunisian economy is now in very bad shape. An economic policy that favored the rent for the benefit of a minority has been replaced by a short-term policy that is not clear. The social situation is worrying and discontent is growing. Growth, slowed down and unevenly distributed, is insufficient. Europe is in crisis and the external engines of growth have disappeared. Investment is also at its lowest. The margins of maneuver are shrinking, the deficit is increasing, the debt is growing, prices are soaring and unemployment is reaching historic levels. And yet, there is hope! The potentials are recognized and the opportunities are real: Tunisia can claim to double its wealth in few years. The urgency is to think differently and to engage without further delay. While taking care to remain attentive, pragmatic and daring, this book proposes - better than reforms - a real change: an energetic overhaul of educational choices, tax policy, the health system, and solidarity mechanisms. And, with the aim of transforming Tunisia into a real regional exporting power, it rethinks the supply and quality of services, readapts agriculture to the customer and the climate, remodels the techno-industrial landscape, reconsiders the territory.Elyes Jouini, as a man of science and field, surrounded by the best experts in the fields at stake, proposes in parallel to the undeniable political maturity of Tunisia, a regeneration of its economy and provides the instructions for use. This new vision would allow to anchor Tunisia in an accelerated, perennial, balanced growth and whose fruits would be redistributed in the fairest possible way.The revolution made the unthinkable possible, it remains for us to make possible the essential and the necessary.The time has come!
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