Microclimate patterns in an agroforestry intercropped vineyard: First results.

  • GRIMALDI Juliettz
  • FIEUZAL Remy
  • PELLETIER Charlotte
  • BUSTILLO Vincent
  • HOUET Thomas
  • SHEEREN David
Publication date
Publication type
Proceedings Article
Summary In the presence of Stéphane Le Foll, the European Agroforestry Seminar will take place from 23 to 25 May 2016. Organized by EURAF (European Agroforestry Association), it will bring together about 200 people from more than 20 nationalities. This meeting will be an opportunity to take stock of the research underway to develop agroforestry programs in many countries. Agroforestry, key point of the agro-ecological project. During this seminar, the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry will present the agroforestry development plan, launched on December 17, 2015 at the national level. A key element in the agro-ecological project, this plan covers research, regulatory and financial aspects of agroforestry, training and advice, economic valuation of productions and international issues, and also includes an overseas component. This plan covers the period 2015-2020. It was developed with multiple partners of agroforestry in France (Ministry of the Environment, INRA, chambers of agriculture, associations, etc.). The Minister's participation in this European seminar is fully in line with the development project of agro-ecology in France, in which production systems combining trees and agriculture play an essential role. This is why international cooperation must be encouraged in order to achieve demonstrative results that will enable agroforestry to be better used in all forms of agriculture. EURAF, a major player in the development of agroforestry (European agroforestry association), aims to develop agroforestry at the European level in all its forms: intra-plot agroforestry, bocage, sylvo-pastoralism, meadow orchards, etc. It brings together members (individual members) from a wide variety of structures: administrative staff, members of associations, technical institutes, etc. Among the French members of EURAF, INRA, AFAC and AFAF will be present at this seminar.
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