The prices of public goods and public bads for hotel rooms in Nord-Pas de Calais, France.

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Summary Most of the articles in the literature based on hedonic analysis focus on the private characteristics provided by accommodations. And if the area where is located the hotel is taken into account with the identification of public good, it is exclusively on the positive side. The use of Geolocalized Data Information (GIS) with a hedonic analysis permits to measure both negative and positive effects on prices. The aim of this article is to provide an indirect assessment of the detrimental impact of industrial legacy on the tourism attractiveness of a region by studying its effect on hotel rates. The hedonic method has been used to decompose hotel prices in Nord-Pas de Calais, an old industrial region in north of France, into the implicit prices of a set of attributes, both private and public, including the repellent public attributes inherited from the industrial past of that region.
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