The impact of the Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project (DDPP) on domestic decision-making processes – Lessons from three countries.

  • CRIQUI Patrick
  • MATHY Sandrine
  • WAISMAN Henri
  • BATAILLE Chris
  • COLOMBIER Michel
  • DENIS Amandine
  • SAWYER David
Publication date
Publication type
Journal Article
Summary This brief focuses on the engagement strategy developed by the DDPP teams to have an impact on the domestic processes. It takes the examples of three countries (Australia, Canada and France), reflecting a diversity of institutional circumstances, for which we present the context of domestic climate discussions and how the DDPP studies have been useful to affect policy debates Cet Issue Brief analyse les « stratégies d'engagement » développées par les équipes du Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project dans l'objectif d'influencer les processus de décision nationaux.
IDDRI-Sciences Po Paris
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