Imputation and low-rank estimation with Missing Non At Random data.

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Summary Missing values challenge data analysis because many supervised and unsu-pervised learning methods cannot be applied directly to incomplete data. Matrix completion based on low-rank assumptions are very powerful solution for dealing with missing values. However, existing methods do not consider the case of informative missing values which are widely encountered in practice. This paper proposes matrix completion methods to recover Missing Not At Random (MNAR) data. Our first contribution is to suggest a model-based estimation strategy by modelling the missing mechanism distribution. An EM algorithm is then implemented, involving a Fast Iterative Soft-Thresholding Algorithm (FISTA). Our second contribution is to suggest a computationally efficient surrogate estimation by implicitly taking into account the joint distribution of the data and the missing mechanism: the data matrix is concatenated with the mask coding for the missing values . a low-rank structure for exponential family is assumed on this new matrix, in order to encode links between variables and missing mechanisms. The methodology that has the great advantage of handling different missing value mechanisms is robust to model specification errors.
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