Is professional equality negotiable? Study paper, Volume 2.

  • POCHIC Sophie
  • BROCHARD Delphine
  • CHAPPE Vincent arnaud
  • CHARPENEL Marion
  • DEMILLY Helene
  • MILNER Susan
  • RABIER Marion
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Summary Survey on the quality and implementation of gender equality agreements and plans developed in 2014-2015. The second part of this study places the texts in the context of their elaboration and implementation thanks to the realization of 20 monographs of company negotiations on professional equality carried out in 2016 and 2017. This localized qualitative approach makes it possible to assess, for each selected company, the quality of the texts produced and to reconstruct the entire text production and implementation process, by comparing the points of view of the main people involved. The monographs cover six sectors of activity, including two predominantly male sectors, two mixed sectors and two service sectors with a predominantly female workforce (sectors absent from previous studies on the subject). The final sample makes it possible to vary the rate of feminization, the coverage or not of a branch agreement, the type of text signed (plan or agreement), the size of the company and the geographical location.
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