What effects can we expect from the 2016 in-home APA reform?

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Summary relating to the adaptation of society to aging (ASV law), which came into force on January 1, 2016, includes a reform of the personalized autonomy allowance (APA) for dependent persons living at home. This reform is primarily aimed at reducing the remaining out-of-pocket expenses borne by APA beneficiaries, particularly the most dependent and those belonging to the "middle classes." Three years after the adoption of the ASV law, however, its impact on the remaining costs of living at home has been poorly documented, due to the lack of individual data allowing for an ex post evaluation. Given the various changes that have been made to the APA scale, what impact can the reform have on the remaining costs borne by dependent elderly people at home? Which categories of beneficiaries, in terms of income and level of dependence, should benefit the most from this reform? This note proposes elements of evaluation of the APA reform based on data on the clientele of a home assistance and support service (SAAD). The simulation of the reform on this particular population makes it possible to illustrate the different channels through which a change in the APA benefit can affect the remaining expenses of beneficiaries.
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