The future of international political economy.

  • MUGGE Daniel
  • WOLL Cornelia
  • JOHNSON Juliet
  • SEABROOKE Leonard
  • GRABEL Ilene
Publication date
Publication type
Journal Article
Summary An anniversary issue provides an inescapably inviting opportunity to reflect on the past, evaluate the present, and contemplate the future. Eschewing the self-congratulatory rhetoric of traditional anniversary celebrations, we have devoted this 20th anniversary issue of RIPE to contributions that critically examine the academic discipline of international political economy, focusing on our collective challenges and limitations as much as on our achievements. As every author knows, it is the thoughtful, constructive, and above all critical review that ultimately pushes us to produce better scholarly work. The global financial crisis mandates such a reassessment, as did the fall of communism that birthed this journal. [First paragraph].
Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
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