Eco-design sites.

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Summary In France, the building sector accounts for 45% of total energy consumption and nearly a quarter of total CO2 emissions. The effects of climate change and their impact on our model of society are no longer in doubt. However, the sector's response is not up to the challenge. The multiplication of labels, certifications or guarantees, shows a lack of cooperation between the actors. This book demonstrates the urgency of adopting a collective approach - eco-design - that integrates all solutions to control the environmental impacts of buildings. It presents the emerging scientific issues that need to be addressed urgently, organizing them into three main themes: assessment of the value provided, change of scale and occupant involvement. Fifteen professionals from the sector have mobilized in the face of the environmental emergency to lay the foundations for sustainable practices for building actors. This book is the result of a collaborative research project between CentraleSupélec, Vinci Construction, ADEME and the EcoSD network. It is intended to foster research collaborations and to serve as a reflection tool for decision-makers.
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