Convention de recherche 2011-2014 ONF / Irstea Nogent-sur-Vernisson.

  • VALLET Patrick
  • PEROT Thomas
  • SEIGNER Vincent
  • TOIGO Maude
  • BALANDIER Philippe
  • PERRET Sylvain
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Summary This report of the last part of the ONF/Irstea Nogent convention includes the following parts: - Modeling of mixed stands Oak - other, including the progress of the thesis of Maude Toïgo - An article RdVT on the modeling of Fir-Epicea-Beech mixtures from IFN data, and the evolution of the module Capsis Melies to Deesses - Local studies on the mixture Oak-Pine in the forest of Orleans, including a report on the balance of soil water monitoring in connection with intra-annual growth.
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