Energy, climate: is the transition really "broken" in France?

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Journal Article
Summary While the administrative court of Paris has just recognized in the framework of the "Affair of the Century" a "faulty failure" of the State in the face of climate change, the energy transition is now presented as "broken down". In any case, it is insufficient in relation to the commitments made, particularly with the Paris Agreement. And yet France has worked hard for the conclusion of this agreement. And it has a detailed roadmap for decarbonizing its economy: the national low-carbon strategy. Following the publication in 2018 of the IPCC's 1.5°C report, this strategy has been revised to mark the adoption of the more ambitious goal of "carbon neutrality" in 2050. To achieve this neutrality, France will have to divide its greenhouse gas emissions by 6 (compared to 1990).
The Conversation France
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