« femmes camerounaises et « cybermigration » maritale en france : analyse de l'impact socio economique d'une dynamique migratoire nouvelle ».

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Summary If in the past, women migrated as wives, today, African women's migration is based on individual and family support. Migrant women represent a kind of social, financial and material security for their families. More and more women are migrating because they want to become actors of their own destiny. The case of Cameroonian women is a perfect illustration with the "marital cybermigration" that we will define later as a form of legal socio-economic migration that concerns women in Central Africa who are confronted with poverty and misery today. We can therefore say that the migration strategies implemented by these Cameroonian women are aimed at escaping the misery in this Central African country where nearly half of the women live in extreme poverty. Our analysis of the socio-economic impact of marital cybermigration focuses on the study of female migration in general and Cameroonian migration in particular. Thus, this study seeks to answer the following questions: Why do Cameroonian women migrate? What are the migratory strategies that these women implement? What role does the Internet play in this new migratory dynamic? Does this marital cybermigration serve the collective interest or that of the families remaining in Cameroon? KEYWORDS Cybermigration-Cameroonian womenmigration dynamicssocioeconomic impact-Internet.
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