Governing social protection: transparency and efficiency.

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Journal Article
Summary 672 billion, or 31.8% of GDP. Within the OECD, our country stands out for the size of the public share of this expenditure and the institutional fragmentation of the social protection system. This fragmented governance raises three fundamental economic problems. First, it makes it more difficult to make collective trade-offs on the size of public spending on social protection and on its sharing between different risks. Second, the lack of coordination within the same social risk, between basic and supplementary schemes, makes it impossible to satisfy needs at the lowest cost to society. Third, this organization does not allow a clear distinction to be made between two types of social protection with different logics of solidarity and financing: schemes that pay contributory benefits, the objective of which is to ensure replacement income for working incomes, and social protection systems that offer benefits to all citizens according to their needs, without any relation to their contributions.
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