Social segregation at the University: academic disparities over the period 2006-2016.

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Summary We analyze social segregation at the University in France over the period 2006-2016. Based on the standardized exposure index, we show that at the national level, segregation is set at lower levels than those highlighted by other works for secondary education and that unlike the latter, segregation levels are not systematically higher in the academies of Île-de-France or in those linked to a large agglomeration (Lyon, Aix-Marseille, Lille). We also show that the level of segregation at the university decreases with the level of degree at the national level. However, this overall trend does not seem to be carried by all the academies, but rather by a limited number of large academies. Moreover, we show a very large variability in segregation during the course of the curriculum by academy, with academies that are not very segregated for certain levels of study and highly segregated for others.
Centre d'Économie de la Sorbonne (CES - UMR8174)
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