Gender pay inequality in companies.

  • BREDA Thomas
  • TO Maxime
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Summary Even though they have contracted, gender pay inequality remains significant: in 2018 women have on average 25% lower wages than men. The size of this gap, however, varies from 5 to 25 percent depending on how it is measured. The use of different inequality indicators is necessary: each has its own logic and the comparison of different measures offers useful keys to understanding for the design of relevant public policies. We show here that a substantial part of inequality is explained by segregation between firms, with women working on average in firms offering lower wages. Thus, in order to completely eliminate gender pay inequalities, it is not enough to impose equal pay on firms and other policies will be necessary. In order to summarize these different measures of gender pay gaps, the IPP is launching a new online tool that allows users to make their own methodological choices and to visualize in a few clicks the evolution of pay gaps over time according to different modalities and in different groups of employees and companies.
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