10 ideas that sink France.

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Summary "To save jobs, we must save industry", "It's up to the State to get us out of the slump and preserve growth", "The markets are the dictatorship of the short term", "The solution to the crisis is more Europe!" - these are all tough clichés that rot the public debate in France, maintain the ambient gloom and end up sinking the country. Augustin Landier and David Thesmar decipher these obvious and harmful myths with a sharp pen, denouncing the lobbies that sustain them and addressing a number of very concrete questions: Why are we afraid of robotization? What is the purpose of an engineer in the digital age? Why are our SMEs struggling to find money? Augustin Landier and David Thesmar decipher these obvious and harmful myths with a sharp pen, denouncing at the same time the lobbies that maintain them and addressing a number of very concrete questions: why are we afraid of robotization? What is the purpose of an engineer in the digital age? Why are our SMEs struggling to find money? Augustin Landier and David Thesmar decipher these obvious and harmful myths with a sharp pen, denouncing at the same time the lobbies that maintain them and addressing a number of very concrete questions: why are we afraid of robotization? What is the purpose of an engineer in the digital age? Why are our SMEs struggling to find money? Augustin Landier and David Thesmar decipher these obvious and harmful myths with a sharp pen, denouncing at the same time the lobbies that maintain them and addressing a number of very concrete questions: why are we afraid of robotization? What is the purpose of an engineer in the digital age? Why are our SMEs struggling to find money? Augustin Landier and David Thesmar decipher these obvious and harmful myths with a sharp pen, denouncing at the same time the lobbies that maintain them and addressing a number of very concrete questions: why are we afraid of robotization? What is the purpose of an engineer in the digital age? Why are our SMEs struggling to find money?]
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