The labor market through the prism of the firm: Analytical framework and empirical evidence.

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Summary This thesis focuses on the heterogeneity of business practices, its causes and consequences. The mobilization of segmentation theories allows us to propose a theoretical framework in which the differentiation of business practices is the primary source of the structuring of the labor market. In order to understand the structure of the labor market, the definition of the causes and consequences of the heterogeneity of practices then takes on a central role. In an inductive approach, several empirical works are then developed to advance in this direction. Analysing the causes of the implementation of an employment management strategy, the emphasis is placed on the influence of actors outside the firm (the owner of the capital or the principal) as well as on the existence of interlocutors within the firm itself (unions). Another line of empirical work studies the consequences of company practices on the level and form of occupational mobility.
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