Youth is not what it used to be.

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Summary "Youth is not what it used to be". Here is the formula that has value of antiphon when we are young or that, by advancing in age, we become old by being scandalized by what has become of the youth! Who hasn't had these words in his mouth to regret the youth of yesteryear or, on the contrary, to congratulate himself that it has changed. It is under this banner that dozens of researchers met at the Cerisy-la-Salle Cultural Center, from June 23 to 30, 2009, in order to exchange on the topics of the day and with the intention of knowing if truly "youth is not what it used to be. The present collection endeavors in this way to paint an overall picture of youth by crossing the views of the main researchers on the subject from anthropology, history, sociology and other social sciences.Readers - young and old - will find, among other things, studies on educational paths, on integration into the labour market, on geographic mobility, on entry into adult life, and on the culture tinged with the colors of cosmopolitanism of young people evolving in the French-speaking societies represented by France, Quebec, Belgium and Acadia.
Presses universitaires de Rennes
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