Introduction to the principles of economics: economic choices and decisions.

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Summary The back cover states: "Intended for first-year undergraduate students, this book provides an introduction to the economic analysis of individual and collective choices, both at the microeconomic and macroeconomic levels. This second, updated and enriched edition offers a very contemporary introduction to economics, both in method and content. From the point of view of method, the book starts with simulations and problems, then structures and generalizes the reasoning and finally applies the analysis to other situations. We also question the new elements necessary to continue the analysis in different or more complex situations. In terms of content, supply and demand, the basis of any introduction to economics, are placed in a broader context of analysis of individual and collective decisions, of sharing the benefits of exchange and of the overall search for efficiency and equity. This approach makes it possible to integrate recent research findings or current applications of economic theory into the main body of the book: decision theory, asymmetric information, the role of capital and insurance markets, international debt and rational expectations, among others. Solved exercises inserted in the text allow the reader to check his understanding of the subject, as it is presented.
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