Financial law.

  • BONNEAU Thierry
  • PAILLER Pauline
  • ROUAUD Anne claire
  • TEHRANI Adrien
  • VABRES Regis
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Summary The back cover states: "The changes in terminology - we no longer speak of stock market law, but now of financial law - reflect fundamental changes. Those that have affected the financial markets, whose regulation and supervision have profoundly evolved since the end of the 1980s, the European construction and the 2008 crisis having had an undeniable impact that goes beyond the markets to affect the whole of French society, have been considerable in this respect. A similar observation is true of the new technologies that have transformed financial market practices. This book, which takes into account both the national and the European and international contexts, aims to present the main rules applicable to authorities (AMF and ESMA), markets (trading platforms, market processes), market abuse (insider trading and price manipulation) issuers and professionals (ISPs, clearing houses and central depositories), products (financial securities such as shares and bonds as well as financial contracts), information (prospectus), transactions (IPO and takeover bids), collective management (UCITS and FIA) and taxation. As the subject matter is increasingly complex due to the diversity (international, European and French) and volume (thousands of pages!) of the sources, the approach has been to prioritize the concepts presented in order to facilitate the understanding of the subject matter. The objective has also been to provide a large amount of information and to express positions so that the book can be useful to both professionals and students. The book is up to date with the latest reforms, in particular the ordinances of June 22 and October 4, 2017, which reformed the legal framework of collective management, as well as the ordinance of May 10, 2017, relating to bond issues and the prospectus regulation of June 14, 2017."
LGDJ, Lextenso éditions
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