European and international banking and financial regulation.

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Summary The issue of banking and financial regulation is not new. However, it has taken on new importance since the crisis of September-October 2008, followed shortly afterwards by the Madoff affair and, in 2010-2011, by the sovereign debt crisis. These events have affected many countries and have led to a review and deepening of the rules applicable to the banking and financial sector, in order to preserve, in a world without borders, the security and stability of markets, actors and States. security is one of the major themes of regulation, but it is not the only one: integrity is another. Moreover, due to globalization, the national response alone seems insufficient. A European and international response is absolutely essential. The actors of the European and international framework are little known. Therefore, it is important to devote developments to them - in particular, the European supervisory authorities, the Banking Union and the "different Gs", such as the G20, are studied - even if the responses provided by the European and international authorities constitute the main part of the book, which highlights both the work of the Basel Committee, the IOSCO, the FATF and the FSB and the European texts, in particular the MiFID texts of May 15, 2014, the Market Abuse texts of April 16, 2014, the Banking Resolution texts of May 15, 2014 and July 15, 2014, and the Prospectus of June 14, 2017.The added value of this new edition is fourfold:taking into account new texts and new court decisions: for example, the regulation of December 12, 2017 on securitization and the level 2 texts concerning MiFID texts as well as the decisions of the EUT concerning Crédit Mutuel Arkéa (aff. T-712-15 and T-52/16, December 13, 2017) and of the CJEU regarding electronic boxes embedded in an online banking website (aff. C-375, January 25, 2017) and the ne bis in idem rule (aff. C-537, C-596 and.
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