Regularity of data problems in edge distance weighted spaces via Hopf's uniform inequality and the duality principle.

  • BERDAN Nada el
  • RAKOTOSON Jean michel
  • JAUBERTEAU Francois
  • DEMENGEL Francoise
  • ABERGEL Frederic
  • DIAZ Jesus ildefonso
  • EL HAMIDI Abdallah
  • MICHEL Julien
  • PETCU Madalina
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Summary In the first part, we study the existence and nonexistence of an inequality called the Uniform Hopf Inequality (UHI), for a linear equation of the form Lv = f with measurable bounded coefficients and under homogeneous Dirichlet conditions. The IHU is a variant of the maximum principle, it was applied in the regularity proof W1.p 0 for a singular semilinear problem: Lu = F(u) where the coefficients of L are in the space vmor (evanescent mean-swinging functions) and F(u) is singular in u = 0 F(0) = +∞. Moreover, if the coefficients are lipschitzian, we prove that the optimal regularity of the gradient of the solution u is bmor (bounded mean oscillation functions i.e. Grad u in bmor).In the second part, we are interested in the regularity of the elastic system (stationary equations of elastic waves) with a singular source function in the sense that it is only integrable with respect to the distance function at the domain edge. Via duality, we show, according to ~f , that the problem admits a so-called very weak solution whose gradient is not necessarily integrable on the whole domain but only locally. We also determine the vector functions ~f for which ~u has its gradient integrable on the whole working space.
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