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Summary Dawsonera's home screen says: "How do companies set the volume of their production? What are the determinants of consumer choice? At what level is the price of a good fixed on a market? Why do monopolies form in certain sectors? How does a company react to an offensive action by one of its competitors? This textbook combines theory and practice, emphasizing the acquisition of methods and skills that are essential for any student to succeed in his or her degree.it offers:- concrete situations to introduce the concepts;- a visual course illustrated by numerous examples to assimilate the fundamental knowledge.- interviews to understand how the tools of economic analysis are translated into business strategies - numerous in-depth studies in the book and on www.dunod.com - progressive and varied exercises (MCQs, exercises, problems, exam subjects) to evaluate and train. The detailed answers to the exercises and the in-depth studies are available on www.dunod.com.
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