Cure for digital hysteria: why the "digital revolution" is not a revolution.

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Summary The 4th cover says: "Our era is constantly hesitating between a blissful technophilia and the fear of a digital apocalypse. However, if some of our uses are undeniably evolving, the fundamentals remain. We take cabs less and Uber more, but we still get from point A to point B! We subscribe to Spotify or Deezer. but we don't spend more time listening to music than before. In reality, say Jobic de Calan and Jérôme Cauchard, we are witnessing a shift in values rather than an overall increase in them. If our world is transforming, it is doing so without any real rupture or reinvention. Digital is a media giant but an economic "Little Thumb". This fascinating book aims to bring the "digital revolution" back to its rightful place, without denigrating it, and to help us understand the stakes involved in an omnipresent technology and to decipher a society that often favors speeches over facts, and hysteria over reason and analysis.
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