Energy: Economics and Policy.

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Summary "In some thirty years, few industries have undergone a transformation comparable to that which has "changed the game" in the various energy sectors: oil, gas, coal, electricity, nuclear, and renewables. Technological changes, the balance of power between countries, the behavior of players, and political decisions that put the market at the heart of all reforms are all major factors that have changed the very fundamentals of these activities. How are prices formed on these different markets? How can we take into account the two dimensions of energy: a strategic good, but also a public service? Is what applies to one energy source relevant to the others? Can the market always replace planning and under what conditions? What are the links between energy and the environment? These are some of the questions, among many others, to which this book - in its updated 3rd edition - provides answers. It takes stock of these changes, based on a rigorous economic analysis of the sectors and the "energy good" as a whole. It also provides numerous figures and institutional data presented in a synthetic manner and offers critical analyses of policies conducted in Europe and around the world. While the approach is primarily methodological, the text also provides numerous examples of practical situations observed and case studies. This book can satisfy a wide audience: engineering students, undergraduate and graduate students of economics and political science, managers and observers of the energy industry and the economy as a whole. The 1st edition of Energy won the AFSE prize for the best economics textbook (2011)".
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