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Summary The back cover states: "Contemporary banking law is in constant motion. Crises (notably in 2008), technology (Fintech and blockchain), the growth of the European Union (and the Banking Union) and internationalization (with the access of companies from third countries to the European market) are profoundly modifying the rules that make it up, whether they are internal, European or international rules. The work of the Basel Committee (particularly in prudential matters) as well as the ever-increasing number of European directives and regulations (not to mention the RTS, ITS and the soft law of the European supervisory authorities) feed and enrich domestic law, which must necessarily be studied by taking into account all the sources that reflect a globalized world. After having developed the basic concepts of banking law which concern both the supervisory authorities (ACPR and ABE), the professionals (credit institutions, finance companies) and the clients (bank accounts, banking secrecy), the author insists on some complementary concepts which he groups into two headings in order to highlight the two aspects of banking activity: customer transactions, in particular payment transactions, internal (cession Dailly ) and international credits (such as documentary credit), as well as interbank relations and transactions involving professionals, such as securitization. The book, updated with the latest reforms (in particular Order No. 2019-75 of February 6, 2019 on measures to prepare for the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union with regard to financial services, Act No. 2018-700 of August 3, 2018 ratifying Order No. 2007-1252 of August 9, 2017 transposing Directive 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council of November 25, 2015 on payment services in the internal market, and Act No. 2019-486 of May 22, 2019 on the growth and transformation of businesses known as PACTE, as well as European directives (2019/878 and 2019/879) and regulations (2019/876 and 2019/877) of May 20, 2019), will be of interest, due to its reading levels, to both students and professionals.".
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