The origins of populism: an investigation into a political and social schism.

  • ALGAN Yann
  • BEASLEY Elizabeth
  • COHEN Daniel
  • FOUCAULT Martial
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Summary The 4th cover says: "Populism is the product of two earthquakes. First earthquake: the rise of an immense resentment against political parties and institutions. Faced with the failure of the right and the left to contain the excesses of capitalism, the "anti-system" radicalism has shattered the compromises that both camps had managed to build. Second earthquake: the end of class society, in favor of a society of individuals thinking their social position in subjective terms. A new polarity results, separating the "trusting" from the "distrustful" towards others. The populist right emerges at the crossroads of a double distrust - of institutions and of society. It thrives on democratic disenchantment, while renewing the left-right divide. Based on unpublished data, this book proves to be essential for understanding the present and the future of democratic societies".
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