Personal Data Law 2019.

  • BROGLI Marine
  • CATELAN Nicolas
  • CLERGERIE Marine de la
  • DUBOIS Lorette
  • FAVRO Karine
  • JAULT SESEKE Fabienne
  • GAULLIER Florence
  • GRYNWAJC Stephane
  • LE BRET Aurelien
  • MARTIAL BRAZ Nathalie
  • MAXWELL Winston
  • PAULIN Boris
  • ROCHFELD Judith
  • TOULOTTE Thomas
  • ZANOTTI Francois
  • ZOLYNSKI Celia
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Summary Publisher's presentation: "An operational analysis of the law on the protection of personal data. This book offers an operational analysis of a recently published text, delivers a detailed reading of the law relating to the protection of personal data and its application texts. These include the ordinance of December 12, 2018, which rewrites the entire law of January 6, 1978, in order to make the formal corrections and adaptations necessary for its simplification and coherence, as well as for the simplicity of implementation by the persons concerned of the provisions resulting from the law of June 20, 2018. These texts therefore proceed to a thorough adaptation of the 1978 "Informatique et libertés" law to take into account the new European framework resulting from the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the directive of April 27, 2016 applicable to files in the field of public security and the investigation and repression of criminal offenses (known as "police-justice"). Authors specialized in these subjects offer a practical analysis of the provisions of this new text. Simple reading tools (diagrams, tables, boxes.) accompany it to allow a detailed understanding of the contours and content of this new legislative framework."
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