The world at zero interest: A journey to the end of the economy.

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Summary Keynes presented "zero interest rates" as a weapon for the euthanasia of the rentier. But we are also witnessing the disappearance of banks, the even faster disappearance of life insurers if they do not change their model, the chronic instability of financial markets, the painful transformation of central banks... in short, the explosion of a financial system that we have been trying to rebuild since the financial crisis of 2007-2008 with rules and standards. And in the face of this, over-indebted states dream of escaping the constraints by borrowing painlessly, companies can reinvest in projects, young people are finally going to create their own business, and less young savers are forced to take risks they did not want to when the world seemed calm. This book invites us to understand the transformation underway, starting from what is at the heart of our economies: the price of money. And to travel to the end of our economy, which is changing before our eyes into a new world. A world where it is no longer enough to reverse the unemployment curve, but rather to eliminate it. This journey is well worth a detour through economic theory.
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