Machine learning: free programs (GPLv3) essential to the development of big data solutions.

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Summary Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Machine Learning is one of the fields of artificial intelligence that aims to design programs that are not explicitly coded to perform a particular task. The concepts in this field are based on inferential logic and attempt to derive general rules from a finite number of observations. A reference book. This book presents the scientific foundations of supervised learning theory, the most widely used algorithms developed in this field, and the two frameworks of semi-supervised learning and scheduling, at a level accessible to master's students and engineering students. The first edition, known as Machine Learning, was translated into Chinese by iTuring Publishing. In this second edition, a new chapter is dedicated to Deep Learning, on artificial neural networks, and we have reorganized the other chapters for a coherent presentation linking the theory to the algorithms developed in this field. You will also find in this edition some programs of the classical algorithms, written in Python and C languages (both simple and popular languages), and for the readers who want to know how these models, sometimes called black boxes, work. These free programs (GPLv3) essential to the development of big data solutions are progressively deposited on this gitlab (https://gricad- gitlab.univ-grenoble-alpes.
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