Does economic patriotism make sense today? or globalization in question.

  • BOISSIEU Christian de
  • CHESNEAU Dominique
  • BUIGUES Pierre
  • GARNIER Olivier
  • GEOFFRON Patrice
  • LACOSTE Denis
  • LE TOUZE Cyril
  • PLUCHART Jean jacques
  • VIDON Edouard
  • TRICHET Jean claude
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Summary The questioning of economic liberalism and multilateralism had begun long before the Covid-19 crisis. A beginning of fragmentation of the world economy, some would say of "deglobalization", appeared with the multi-episode trade war between the United States and China, the rise of protectionist initiatives, the "currency war", the Brexit. All of these trends, which predate 2020, have been and are being accentuated by the health crisis. The purpose of this book, which brings together authors from different backgrounds, is to take the measure of the processes underway in almost all countries: the return of borders, the desire of states to regain a little more sovereignty, the will of public opinion to better control the collective destiny. The return of industrial strategies, the desire to relocate certain industries and to reindustrialize are at the heart of public policies which, faced with the economic and social damage caused by Covid-19, after having sought to limit this damage, are financing massive revivals by striving to combine the economy and ecology. What is the right level of conception and implementation: the national level or the European level? Should we hope for progress in global governance in a world that, despite everything, will remain essentially globalized?
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