How to save animals? : an economy of the animal condition.

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Summary The animal cause is now at a turning point in its history, as economics is taking a growing interest in the animal question and is particularly concerned about the paradoxical relationship we have with animals: while animal welfare has never been so consensual, more than 3 billion animals are killed every year because of our food choices. This book provides multiple insights into the reasons for such a paradox and reviews the most important theories that can explain this conflict between our values and our actions (cognitive dissonance, public good, heuristics, warm-glow, moral license, reactance, cognitive empathy, social learning). It also offers a practical reading of these theories and analyzes the effectiveness of actions taken in favor of animals by animal rights organizations and the state. It also shows how recent technological developments (meat-like foods and cultured meat) may also help to resolve this paradox.
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