Quantifying equality at work: policy tools and scientific issues.

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Summary "The production of figures is at the heart of feminist mobilizations and gender politics, whether we think of quotas for women, sexed indicators, discrimination trials, gender budgeting or the counting of feminicides. It is a potential vehicle for raising awareness of the existence of unjust and unacceptable situations, but it also generates controversy about what should be counted and how to count. The wage gap between women and men is a perfect illustration of this: depending on the method of calculation, it can range from 25% to 9%. However, the issues of power and knowledge raised by such tools often remain in the shadows. Focusing on the sphere of work, this book aims to fill this gap with a twofold objective: to show how the sociology of quantification makes it possible to think critically about public equality policies and organizational strategies based on numbers and indicators; and to analyze the framing of professional and salary equality that is hidden behind the figures in order to reveal the political games and issues at stake. It is based on in-depth surveys in social sciences (sociology, political science, management, economics and law) and testimonies of committed experts, drawing on international comparisons (France, England, Denmark, Sweden and Quebec).
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