
Can historical demographics benefit from collaborative data from genealogy sites?

Collaborative data, Données collaboratives, Démographe historique, Fertility, Fécondité, Genealogy, Généalogie, Historical demography, Longévité, Migration, Mortality

Aging well, eating well? Advancing age and changes in diet in the Gazel cohort.


Do changes in education levels explain trends in smoking prevalence ? Evidence from France.

Consommation distribution et transformation

Entrepreneurial Behavior and Eco-Innovation.


Sub-National Allocation of COVID-19 Tests: An Efficiency Criterion with an Application to Italian Regions.


From downcoding to upcoding: DRG based payment in hospitals.

Diagnosis-related groups (DRGs), Diagnosis-related groups DRGs, Heterogeneity in responses, Hospital stays, Manipulated database, Upcoding

Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) for portfolio allocatio.


Variation Margins, Fire Sales, and Information-constrained Optimality.


A mean field game model for the evolution of cities.

Convex duality, Iterative Proportional Fitting procedure IPFP, Labour market equilibrium, Mean field games, Optimal transport

The use of statistics for the management and regulation of insurance risks: the limits of the approach adopted by Solvency 2.

Assurance, Insurance, Pilotage, Prudential, Prudentiel, Regulation, Risk, Risque, Régulation, Solvabilité 2, Solvency II, Steering

Coordination in CAP instrumentation: a core theory approach.

Aropaj, Politique agricole commune

Business and finance face their climate responsibilities.