
Long memory in financial series (Chapter 2).


Out with the Pipes, in with the Plugs : On the Economics of the Energy Transition in the Automobile Sector.

Automobile pollution, Economie de l'environnement, Electric mobility, Energy economics, Environmental economics, Mobilité électrique, Policy, Politiques, Pollution automobile, Économie de l'énergie

Causal models for Real Time Bidding with repeated user interactions.

Attribution, Causality, Incrementality, Real-time bidding

Art as an Asset: Evidence from Keynes the Collector.


High-dimensional VAR with low-rank transition.


Consumers' Mobility, Expenditure and Online- Offline Substitution Response to COVID-19: Evidence from French Transaction Data.

COVID-19, Consumer mobility, Consumption expenditure, Online com- merce, Resiliency, Transaction data

Martingale Wasserstein inequality for probability measures in the convex order.

Convex order, Martingale Optimal Transport, Martingale couplings, Wasserstein distance

Innovative Milieu as a Driving Force of Innovative Entrepreneurship.


Regulation and commodification of the state through taxation and finance: The case of offices in France from the 12th to the 17th century.

Commodification, Economic history, Etat, Finance, Histoire économique, Marchandisation, Offices, Regulation theory, State, Théorie de la régulation

Estimating Individual Treatment Effects throughCausal Populations Identification.

Machine Learning

French vineyards in the face of climate change: development of an adaptation strategy based on prospective scenarios.


Provision of quality and power of incentive schemes in regulated industries.