
The Impact of Infrastructure Investments on Income Inequality: Evidence from US States.

Highways, Income Inequality, Instrument Variable, Public Infrastructure, US State Panel Data

Corporate environmental reporting: Are French firms compliant with the Task Force on Climate Financial Disclosures' recommendations?


Optimal multi-asset trading with linear costs: a mean-field approach.


Feeling good or feeling better?

Intra-personal comparisons, Life satisfaction, Memory biases, Remembered utility

Consensus in the Presence of Rational and Byzantine Participants.

Blockchain, Comité, Terminaison, Théorie des jeux, Validité, Équilibre de Nash

Online Commerce, Inter-Regional Retail Trade, and the Evolution of Gravity Effects: Evidence from 20 Billion Transactions.

Consumer mobility, Consumption expenditure, E-commerce, Gravity model, Inter-regional trade

Confidence collapse in a multihousehold, self-reflexive DSGE model.

DSGE, confidence collapse, economic crises, multihousehold

BCMA-ES II: revisiting Bayesian CMA-ES.

Bayesian, CCS CONCEPTS • Mathematics of computing → Probability and statistics, Conjugate prior, KEYWORDS CMA ES, Mixture models, Normal Wishart, Normal inverse Wishart

Routine-Biased Technological Change and Hours Worked over the Business Cycle.

Business cycle, Hours worked, Job polarization, Long- run restrictions, Routine-biased technological change, VAR

Statistical modeling and analysis of Internet latency traffic data.

ARMA-GARCH process, Ajustement distributionnel, Change detection, Détection de changement, Forecasting, Internet latency, Latence Internet, Probability distribution matching, Processus ARMA-GARCH, Prévision, Séries temporelles, Time series

Computational optimal transport : with applications to data sciences.


Mind the gap : do parental leaves increase welfare when social norms and redistribution matter ?