
The Need for News Forms of Financial Intermediation.


The year of the Covid in France or the story of a double containment.

Bien-être, Confinement, Covid-19, Inégalités numériques, Télétravail

Accuracy and Preferences for Legal Error.


Sharing a river.

Environnement espace et société, PARTAGE, Économie du bien-être

The post-crises output growth effects in a globalized economy.


Exchange rate modeling : policies, seasonality, and determination.

Carry trade, Carry trades, Chinese renminbi, Currency basket, Détermination du taux de change, Effet mois, Equity returns, Exchange rate determination, Exchange rate regime, Foreign currency market, Implied volatility, Marché des devises, Markov-Switching, Modèle à changement de régime Markovien, Month effect, Panier de devises, Rendement des actions, Renminbi chinois, Régime de change, Saisonnalité, Seasonality, Uep, Volatilité implicite

Nonparametric Bayesian estimation for multivariate Hawkes processes.


Intra-generational inequalities in France.

Classes d'âge, Générations, Inégalités de revenus, Modèle Age- Cohorte-Période

Leveraging regularization, projections and elliptical distributions in optimal transport.

Apprentissage Automatique, Bures Metric, Distributions Elliptiques, Elliptical Distributions, Machine Mearning, Métrique de Bures, Optimal Transport., Transport Optimal

Mineral resources for renewable energy: Optimal timing of energy production.

Energy Transition, Mineral Resources, Recycling, Renewable and Non-Renewable Natural Resources

Incidence and Risk Factors of Illnesses Presumably Caused by A SARS-CoV-2 Infection in The General Population During The Lockdown Period: A Multi-Cohort Study.


Fight against discrimination in the labor market.