
Platform–merchant competition for sales services.


Fast multivariate empirical cumulative distribution function with connection to kernel density estimation.

Empirical distribution function, Fast CDF, Fast KDE, Fast kernel summation, Gaussian kernel approximation, Laplacian kernel, Matérn covariance, Nonparametric copula estimation, Sargan density, Survival function

The emergence of "startuppers" in Morocco: institutions, trajectories, social networks.

Embeddedness, Encastrement, Entrepreneuriat, Entrepreneurship, Maroc, Mixed-methods, Morocco, Méthodes mixtes, Social trajectories, Start-Up, Start-Up ventures, Trajectoires sociales

Can General Practitioners Be More Productive? The Impact of Teamwork and Cooperation with Nurses on GP Activities.

Cooperation between general practitioners and nurses, Difference-in-differences, Labor supply, Panel data, cooperation between general practitioners and nurses, difference-in-differences, labor supply, panel data

Entrepreneurship and Innovation.


In the eye of the storm. French society after a month of confinement.

Confinement, Covid-19, Déconfinement, Ecole à la maison, France, Santé

Essays on the economics of malaria in the Sahel: case studies in Mali and Burkina Faso.

Anaemia, Anémie, CPS, Cost, Coût, Développement de la petite enfance, Early Childhood Development, Education, Fertility, Fécondité, Income, Information, LLINs, MILD, Malaria, Micronutrients, Micronutriments, Paludisme, Revenu

Generalization of the Marčenko-Pastur problem.


« Compte-rendu de Graz, J-C, The Power of Standards: Hybrid Authority and the Globalization of Services, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press ».


The use of statistics for the management and regulation of insurance risks: the limits of the approach adopted by Solvency 2.

Assurance, Insurance, Pilotage, Prudential, Prudentiel, Regulation, Risk, Risque, Régulation, Solvabilité 2, Solvency II, Steering

Contrast function estimation for the drift parameter of ergodic jump diffusion process.


The politics of government decision-making : a theory of regulatory capture.