
Entrepreneur and Economists.


Health insurance and genetic testing.

Adverse selection, Aléa moral, Antisélection, Genetic information, Information génétique, Moral Hazard, Médecine personnalisée, Médecine prédictive, Médecine préventive, Personalized medicine, Predictive medecine, Preventive medecine

Theoretical and experimental study of shared responsibility between the physician and the advanced practice nurse.

Advanced practice nurse, Collaboration between health care professionals, Collaboration entre professionnels de santé, Expérimentation en laboratoire, Infirmier en pratique avancée, Joint liability, Laboratory experiment, Liability, Medical malpractice liability, Responsabilité civile, Responsabilité conjointe, Responsabilité médicale

Workplace well-being: what matters.


Legislatures and the Administrative State: Political control, Bureaucratic Politics and Public Accountability.

Accountability, Administrative Agencies, Bureaucracy, Delegation, Legislatures, Principal-Agent

Heroic Entrepreneur, Theories.


General practitioners’ income and activity: the impact of multi-professional group practice in France.

Difference-in-differences, General practitioner, Income, Primary care, Teamwork

Longevity risk and quickest detection problem: from theory to practice.


Private health Insurance and the European Union.


What is the cost of low participation in French timber auctions?

Endogenous participation, Hedonic prices, Sample selection, Timber auctions, Économie forestière

A new paradigm in the dynamics of Parisian real estate yields.


Ethical and social implications of predictive biomarkers of death in humans.