
Threshold ages for the relation between lifetime entropy and mortality risk.


Interactions and incitatives : between contract theory and mean-field games.

Asymétrie d'information, Contract theory, Contrôle d'épidémie, Contrôle stochastique, Energy demand management, Epidemic control, Gestion de la demande en énergie, Information asymmetry, Jeu à champs moyen, Mean-Field games, Stochastic control, Théorie des contrats

The difficult government of health by the market.

Devices, Dispositifs, Instruments, Interests, Intérêts, Obesity, Obésité, Public health, Santé publique

Seismic loss modelling in insurance industry : towards a new model for better claims management.

Assurance, Earthquake, Insurance, Loss, Modeling, Modélisation, Pertes, Risk, Risque, Stochastic, Stochastique, Séisme

Mean Field Games and Applications: Numerical Aspects.




Seismic loss modelling in insurance industry : towards a new model for better claims management.

Assurance, Earthquake, Insurance, Loss, Modeling, Modélisation, Pertes, Risk, Risque, Stochastic, Stochastique, Séisme

Pensions and Social Justice: From Standard Retirement to Reverse Retirement.

Life cycle, Mortality, Pensions, Social justice

Coping with Covid 19.


Machine Learning for Financial Products Recommendation.

Apprentissage profond, Apprentissage statistique, Clustering supervisé, Deep learning, Finance, Machine learning, Recommender systems, Supervised clustering, Systèmes de recommandation, Systèmes de recommandation dépendant du temps, Time-Aware recommender systems

The Dynamics of Expectations: A Sequential Perspective on Macroeconomic Forecasting.

Macroeconomic forecasting, Organizations, Regression analysis, Temporalities

The economic analysis of the production of law.