
Interbank network characteristics, monetary policy "News" and sensitivity of bank stock returns.

Bank's stock reaction, Event study, Interbank network topology, Monetary policy

Estimation of boundary condition of two-dimensional nonlinear PDE with application to continuous casting.


Enhancing resilience of systems to individual and systemic risk: Steps toward an integrative framework.


No-regret Pollution Abatement Options: A Correction of Bréchet and Jouvet (2009).


Performance Feedback and Peer Effects: A Review.


Linking bank competition, financial stability, and economic growth.

Bank Z-score, Bank competition, Bank stability, Channeling effect, Economic growth, Global financial crisis, Local banking crisis, Non-performing loans, System GMM

Optimal Income Taxation with Composition Effects.


Quantized Variational Inference.Optimal Quantization for variational inference.


The basic right to a minimum standard of living under the protection of the German Constitutional Court.

Cour constitutionnelle allemande, Droit et Liberté Fondamentaux, Droit fondamental à un minimum vital, Droit social européen, Politique sociale, Socle européen des droits sociaux, Théorie d'activation, Union Européenne

Perceived Social Norm and Behavior Quickly Adjusted to Legal Changes During the COVID-19 Pandemic in France.


A New Indicator of Bank Funding Cost.


Expropriation risk vs. government bailout: implications for minority shareholders of state-owned banks.

Banks, Government ownership, Loan announcements, Related party transactions