
State Capacity, Legal Design and the Venality of Judicial Offices.


Neumann networks: differential programming for supervised learning with missing values.


Three essays on housing finance and access in France: intergenerational transmission, local credit markets and monetary policy.

Credit, Crédit, Finance, Housing, Immobilier, Logement, Monetary policy, Patrimoine, Politique monétaire, Wealth

A Conceptual Proposal for Responsible Innovation.


Mean Field Games.


Hölder regularity of hamilton-jacobi equations with stochastic forcing.


Deep reinforcement learning for market making in corporate bonds: beating the curse of dimensionality.

Actor-critic algorithms, Market making, Reinforcement learning, Stochastic optimal control

Validation of the Grassland Production Index, an Insurance Product Estimated at the National Scale, on a Dense Experimental Device.

F-COVER, Grassland, Index-based insurance, MODIS, Medium resolution

Individual preferences, retirement, health prevention and dependency: microeconometric applications.

Dépendance, Economics of aging, Health, Long-term care, Prevention, Prévention, Retirement, Retraite, Santé, Économie du vieillissement

Residential mobility of immigrants and their descendants in France: an approach based on individual data.

Data survey, Données d’enquête, France, French case, Migration, Mobilité résidentielle, Residential mobility

The Impact of ICTs and Digitalization on Productivity and Labor Share: Evidence from French firms.


Bubbles and incentives: an experiment on asset markets.

Asset market, Bonuses, Bubbles, Experiment, Incentives, Risk attitudes