
Construction of Boltzmann and McKean Vlasov type flows (the sewing lemma approach).

Boltzmann equation, Enskog equation, Interacting particle system, McKean-Vlasov equation, Sewing lemma

The French and money: 6 new questions on contemporary economics.


What is Net Neutrality's Future in the United States?


Asset Dissemination Through Dealer Markets.


Taxing identity: theory and evidence from early Islam.

Identity taxation, Islam, Laffer curve, Legitimacy, Poll tax

Slow Down Before You Stop: The Effect of the 2010 French Pension Reform on Older Teachers' Sick Leaves.

Pension reform, Retirement age, Sick leaves, Teachers' absenteeism

A Bibliometric Analysis of Research on Renewable Energy Crowdfunding: An Assessment and Policy Proposals.


Digitalization of agri-food SMEs: towards an evolution of business models and innovation processes.

Business Model, Compétences, Industrie agroalimentaire, Innovation, PME, Taxonomie, Transition digitale

V–, U–, L– or W–shaped economic recovery after Covid-19: Insights from an Agent Based Model.


Constrained overdamped Langevin dynamics for symmetric multimarginal optimal transportation.


Emmanuel Farhi, Economist Par Excellence.

Emmanuel Farhi, Financial crises, Global imbalances, Input-output linkages, New Keynesian economics, Public finance

Use of telehealth: evidence from French teleconsultation for women's healthcare, prior and during COVID-19 pandemic.

Obstetrics and gynecology, Technology features, Teleconsultation, Training